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Office of Human Rights

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Publications and Reports

Our publications and reports section is a library of valuable resources aimed at promoting awareness, understanding, and compliance with human rights laws and policies in the District of Columbia. This section typically includes a variety of documents that are published yearly and are updated to reflect current changes and accessibility in using and reading them.

Annual Reports 

  • OHR Performance Reports
    • OHR is required to annually report progress of DC Human Rights Act enforcement to the Mayor and the Council of the District of Columbia. The report includes case dockets, case closures, and benefits achieved by successful complainants. Additionally, the Director reports other annual activities of (OHR) and the Commission on Human Rights, including community outreach, education programs, compliance programs, mediation, and fair housing.
    • Please click here to view current and past annual reports.
  • Language Access Compliance Reports
    • OHR is required to annually report progress of Language Access Act enforcement to the Mayor and the Council of the District of Columbia. The report includes compliance summaries and status of each District agency identified by name in the Act and/or through regulation. Additionally, the Director reports policy recommendations, where necessary, for District agencies.
    • Please click here to view the current and past Language Access compliance reports.
  • Youth Bullying Prevention Biennial Reports
    • OHR is required to report to the Mayor and the Council, on a biennial basis, the current implementation of the Youth Bullying Prevention Act of 2012 and to provide a summary of the status of bullying in the District of Columbia. 
    • Please click here to view and download current and past Youth Bullying Prevention Biennial Reports.
Enforcement Gudiances
  • OHR Guidance publications aim to help individuals understand the laws enforced by the Office of Human Rights, but they do not serve as legal advice. While complainants are not obligated to have legal representation when filing a case with OHR, seeking legal counsel is advised, and Guidance publications should not be seen as a substitute for legal advice
  • Please click here to view and download current enforcement guidances.
  • OHR make laws easier to understand with short factsheets, they do not serve as legal advice. These resources help people know their rights and responsibilities in the District.
  • Please click here to view and download current factsheets 
Inclusion and Equity Resources (Inclusive Language Guides and Celebrating Diversity in the Workplace)
  • OHR offers inclusive language guides and workplace document that provides definitions and best practices for promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace, covering topics such as race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, expression, and disability. These resources aim to educate and encourage the use of inclusive language and practices, but they are not legal mandates and are continuously evolving.
  • Please click here to learn more and download this guides. 
Protected Traits
  • Under the DC Human Rights Act, there are 23 protected traits that are enforced by OHR in four areas (educational institutions, employment, housing, public accommodation and government services). We provide updated handouts on what these traits are, definitions, and areas of enforcement. They are also translated in the top six languages in DC.
  • Please click here to learn more, view and download these handouts.
Research Reports and Policies 
  • OHR’s reports and publications provide comprehensive insights into the agency's efforts to promote equality, combat discrimination, and uphold human rights within Washington, D.C.
  • Please click here to read and download them. 
Workplace Posters
  • There are a several types of posters created by OHR that advises customers about their rights and employers in the District of Columbia are required by law to display specific employment-related posters in locations accessible to their employees.
  • Please click here to read and download them.