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Enforcement Guidances

OHR Guidance publications are intended to assist the parties appearing before the Office of Human Rights in understanding the laws OHR enforces.  These publications do not constitute legal advice.  While complainants are not required to have an attorney to file a case at OHR, complainants should obtain an attorney if they seek legal advice, and should not substitute OHR Guidance publications as legal advice.  All cases are decided by OHR on their individual merits, regardless of the similarities found in the Guidance publications. 


Enforcement Guidance 24-03: Care For LGBTQ Seniors and Seniors with HIV Amendment Act of 2020

Enforcement Guidance 24-02: Universal Paid Leave Amendment Act of 2016 – Retaliation and Interference Claims

Enforcement Guidance 24-01: NEW Domestic Worker Protections Under the DC Human Rights Act


Enforcement Guidance 23-03: Updated Source of Income Discrimination in Housing - updated December 9, 2022

Enforcement Guidance 23-02: New Definition of Hostile Work Environment - updated December 9, 2022 

Enforcement Guidance 23-01: Legislative Updates to the DCFMLA - updated October 18, 2022


Enforcement Guidance 22-02: COVID-19 and Religious Acommodation Request - updated January 25, 2022 

Enforcement Guidance 22-01: *NEW* COVID-19 Leave Under the DC Family Medical Leave Act (DCFMLA) - updated January 14, 2022


Enforcement Guidance 21-01: COVID-19 Support Emergency Amendment Act (CSEA) Guidance - revised August 25, 2021


Enforcement Guidance 20-02: Fair Housing Laws and Affirmative Efforts to Reduce Homelessness in the District of Columbia

Enforcement Guidance 20-01: COVID-19 Support Emergency Amendment Act (CSEA) Guidance


Enforcement Guidance 19-01: Protection for Breastfeeding Mothers and Sex-based Discrimination under the DC Human Rights Act

Enforcement Guidance 19-02: Understanding Leave Stacking under the DCFMLA


Enforcement Guidance 18-01: Denial of Employment Opportunities Due to Pregnancy, Childbirth, Related Medical Conditions, or Breastfeeding

Enforcement Guidance 18-02: Understanding Race and National Origin under the DC Human Rights Act

Enforcement Guidance 18-03: The DC Family & Medical Leave Act of 1990 (DCFMLA): Selected Topics


Enforcement Guidance 17-01: General Guidance on Housing and Commercial Space

Enforcement Guidance 17-02: What the Protecting Pregnant Workers Fairness Act requires of Employers

Enforcement Guidance 17-03: Unlawful Treatment Based on Personal Appearance, Political Affiliation and Matriculation


Enforcement Guidance 16-01: Source of Income in Housing

Enforcement Guidance 16-02: "Ban The Box": Fair Criminal Record Screening Act

Criminal Background Screenings and Housing - Preview of Law for Housing Providers

View an online training on the Fair Criminal Records Screening for Housing Act of 2016 (note - this training is general information and not intended to substitute for legal advice)