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Office of Human Rights

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Creating Safer Spaces Unit

The Creating Safer Spaces of the Office of Human Rights (OHR) provides education, raises awareness through outreach interventions, and enforces compliance. This is achieved through two main efforts:

  1. Sexual Harassment Prevention:
    • If you are part of the workforce that receives tips to complement your salary, you are required to undergo mandated sexual harassment prevention training under the Tipped Wage Workers Fairness Amendment Act of 2018. While OHR certifies the trainers who conduct this training, we do not conduct the training ourselves. This training addresses how to respond to, intervene, and prevent sexual harassment in the workplace. Businesses are also required to file a copy of their sexual harassment policy with OHR and provide information regarding any sexual harassment claims within the business.
    • To learn more about the law and its requirements, please click here.
  2. Care For Seniors:
    • OHR-certified trainers deliver specialized training to ensure long-term care facilities meet the unique needs of LGBTQ+ seniors and seniors living with HIV. These training emphasize legal protections and foster environments where all residents feel secure and valued.
    • To learn more about the law and its requirements, please click here.

Whether you're an employer, an employee, or involved in long-term care services, OHR is here to support you.  If you need more information on compliance after visiting the pages above, each page includes contact information for reaching us. —we’re always ready to help. Together, let's build safer, more inclusive spaces!

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