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FY20 Language Access Compliance Review

This report intends to inform elected leaders, government officials, advocates and the public about the compliance of District government agencies with the requirements of the DC Language Access Act of 2004. The Act requires that all District agencies, and service providers contracted by agencies, provide interpretation services for customers who are Limited English Proficient (LEP) or Non-English proficient (NEP). Translation of vital documents, training for personnel in public contact positions and tracking of LEP/NEP customers are also required by the Act.

In the midst of the global COVID-19 pandemic and public health emergency, the LAP continued providing language access technical assistance to DC government agencies and other covered entities through the provision of agency compliance training, community “Know Your Rights” workshops, and monitoring the linguistic accessibility of critical information to DC residents.

Highlights from the FY20 Language Access Compliance Report:

  • Nearly 80% (30 of 38) of covered entities with major public contact fulfilled reporting requirements and submitted comprehensive data on encounters with LEP/NEP customers
  • 1,959 translated vital documents were made available by all covered entities. 
  • 144,249 calls were made by frontline employees in FY20 to reach a telephonic interpreter and communicate with customers speaking 80 different languages
  • 1,410 LEP/NEP residents were engaged through “Know Your Rights” workshops and community events
  • 940 multilingual “I Speak” cards were distributed to LEP/NEP individuals 


View the full report here:

FY20 Language Access Compliance Review 

Find the translated Executive Summary here: 

የአስተዳደር ማጠቃለያ  ♦  SOMMAIRE  ♦  개요서  ♦   执行摘要  ♦  RESUMEN EJECUTIVO  ♦  TÓM TẮT BÁO CÁO


Related Content: 

Language Access Information Portal: About the Language Access Program