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Office of Human Rights

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2020 DC Transgender & Nonbinary Employment Survey


In 2015, the DC Office of Human Rights (OHR) released Qualified & Transgender, a research report on the first government-run testing project in the nation to analyze how employers respond to resumes from applicants perceived as transgender compared with resumes of applicants perceived as cisgender. Previous surveys and studies, as well as anecdotal stories at that time, portrayed a grim reality for many transgender community members seeking employment, with discriminatory practices punctuating nearly every stage of the interview process. We know those same practices and barriers still exist today. In late 2018, OHR administered follow-up resume testing, mirroring elements of the previous case study and in March 2020 began the development of a public survey instrument to broaden the understanding of employment experiences faced by the transgender and nonbinary communities in the District. This public survey will provide the most current local data set to capture and count individuals that identify as transgender or nonbinary that live and work or seek work in the District since 2015.

About This Project

The goal of this project is to understand job-seeking barriers, employment experiences and workplace harassment faced by the transgender and nonbinary community that live and work or are seeking work in the District. The data from this survey will be included in a subsequent research report published by OHR depicting the employment landscape for this community prior to the public health emergencyCoronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic. 

The survey has been temporarily suspended as of 5pm on Friday, September 18 due to technical issues.

Eligible survey respondents must identify as trans or nonbinary and fulfill one or both of the following criteria:

  • Currently resides in the District of Columbia; or
  • Has recent work experience, sought and/or applied for employment in the District of Columbia in the last five (5) years (prior to March 1, 2020). 
The digital survey is anonymous and is available in both English and Spanish. Eligible respondents will receive a prepaid e-card incentive via email within 30 business days* after completing and submitting the survey. Email addresses will be used for the sole purpose of incentive distribution and will be stripped from all other survey results to ensure confidentiality.

*This number was updated on 9/11/2020 due to processing delays related to the Coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic and closing of fiscal year 2020 for the District of Columbia Government.

Report Discrimination

If you are transgender or nonbinary and have experienced discrimination in employment, housing, public accommodations or educational institutions in the District because of your gender identity or expression, report it to the Office of Human Rights. Gender identity and expression is one of 21 protected traits that cannot be used to discriminate against someone under the DC Human Rights Actone of the most progressive non-discrimination laws in the nation. 

Learn More

Learn more about OHR's public awareness campaigns and other resources on gender identity and expression protections in the District.

Transgender Gender Identity Respect (2012)

Safe Bathrooms DC (2014)

Qualified & Transgender: A Report on Results of Resume Testing for Employment Discrimination Based on Gender Identity (2015)

Valuing Transgender Applicants & Employees: A Best Practice Guide for Employers (2016)

Hired & Transgender: Self-Testing for Hiring Bias against Transgender Applicants (2016)