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Know Your Rights Campaign

Language Access Program

The Know Your Rights campaign -- a project of the DC Office of Human Rights Language Access Program -- aims to raise awareness among limited or non-English proficient residents about requesting an interpretor when accessing District government services. An interpretor and accompanying materials must be provided by a District agency if the person requesting the interpretor speaks Amharic, Chinese, French, Korean, Spanish or Vietnamese. If an interpretor is not provided, residents are encouraged to contact our Office at 202.727.4559 or by filling out a Language Access complaint form

The latest Know Your Rights campaign was lauched in late August 2012 and consists of three parts. The (1) "I Speak" cards are a tool to help those with limited or no English to access government services, the (2) television and print advertisements are aimed at raising awareness in target communities, and (3) training and outreach to District agencies and direct service providers intends to increase knowledge about interpretations services. 


"I Speak" Cards

"I Speak" Card in ChineseThe "I Speak" cards are available to make it easier for DC residents to access government services. The double-sided "I Speak" cards are available in Amharic, Chinese, French, Korean, Spanish and Vientamese, with the English translation of the text on back. The card can be shown to DC government employees to ask for an interpretor, and requests the card-holder contact the Office of Human Rights if an interpretor is not provided. Download and learn more about "I Speak" cards.


"I Speak" Television Annoucements

Photo of French PSAPublic service announcements (PSA) for the campaign are available in each of the six languages and began airing across the District in August 2012. The PSAs recognize the difficulties associated with being limited or non-English proficient, but explain that "I Speak" cards can help make these communication challenges easier when it comes to accessing District government services. View the PSAs and share them on Facebook and Twitter.


"I Speak" Print Advertisements

In fall 2012, "I Speak" print advertisements will appear in ethnic-based newspapers throughout the District in each of the six languages. The advertisements will explain District law related to interpretation services, as well as encourage residents to contact the Office of Human Rights when interpretation services are not provided. Follow us on Facebook or Twitter to stay up-to-date on when these ads will appear.