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Office of Human Rights

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"I Speak" Cards for Language Assistance

In the District of Columbia, all government agencies are required to provide customers who speak limited or no English with free interpretation services in any language. Written information, notices and other materials must also be translated for populations frequently served by those agencies. The largest language minority populations in the District at this time speak Amharic, Chinese, French, Korean, Spanish or Vietnamese. In order to ensure that any limited English or non-English speaking resident receives equal access to services, the DC Office of Human Rights Language Access program provides "I Speak" Cards that direct government employees to provide such assistance. OHR encourages those who speak limited or no English to obtain the appropriate card for their language and carry it with them.

The cards are available by download or by visiting our Office at 441 4th Street NW, Suite 570N.

Language-specific cards are also available at the: 

Learn more about our Language Access Program.

Download & Print Your "I Speak" Card

አማርኛ / Amharic 

Download PDF
I Speak Amharic Card

中文 / Chinese 

Download PDF
I Speak Chinese Card

Français / French 

Download PDF
I Speak French Card

한국어 / Korean 

Download PDF
I Speak Korean Card

Español / Spanish

Download PDF
I Speak Spanish Card

tiếng Việt / Vietnamese 

Download PDF
I Speak Vietnamese Card

**When printing out the "I Speak" cards, make sure your printer is set to print the cards at their actual size (not "fit to page").