The DC Office of Human Rights (OHR) is the government agency dedicated to eradicating discrimination and promoting equal opportunity in the District of Columbia. As part of its proactive work to prevent discrimination based on the District’s 21 protected groups, it conducts presentations and outreach efforts that teach community members about the anti-discrimination laws in the District and how to file discrimination complaints with OHR. It includes an explanation of OHR’s cost-free process for investigating complaints, the damages complainants can receive, and how to identify discriminatory incidents when they occur. Presentations can be as short as five minutes to as long as an hour, with or without a question and answer period. Participants will be encouraged to file a complaint if they believe they have been discriminated against, and to share materials with other community members about their rights in the District of Columbia. In addition to our agency presentations in the community, OHR offers a comprehensive, quarterly Human Rights Liaison training that covers everything OHR does, including an in-depth overview of the complaint process and an overview of all the laws that we enforce.
To request a presentation at an upcoming event or meeting, please contact Ellie Sung (she/her), Supervisory Public Affairs Specialist at [email protected].