(Washington, DC) In celebration of Fair Housing Month, the Office of Human Rights, The DC Department of Community Development and the Equal Rights Center will host the DC Fair Housing Symposium. This year's symposium will begin an open dialogue to address the fair housing needs of the District's most vulnerable and often ignored communities. District residents, community group organizations and local government will come together to discuss effective solutions which address equal access to housing and other challenges faced by District residents in their search for housing.
Nationally known civil rights lawyer and law professor, Avery Friedman, will electrify participants for the remainder of the morning session while he delivers his keynote address celebrating the 35th anniversary of the passage of Fair Housing Act.
The afternoon session will host two panel discussions designed to address local fair housing issues impacting District residents. The Equal Access to Housing Choice panel will focus on the impact recent laws have had on communities such as the disability, immigrant, gay, lesbian, and transgender communities. The second panel discussion, Changing Demographics, will unravel startling census data that highlight the racial and ethnic demographic changes in the District and will explain its impact on creating integrated communities.
The event will be held at the Metro Center Marriott Hotel on April 23, 2003 from 8 am to 4:30 pm. Register on line at http://www.equalrightscenter.org/. For more information or if you need any special accommodation, please contact Lesley Edmond at (202) 727-1145.