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Language Access Compliance Review 2015

Language Access Compliance Review 2015 “Language access is key to ensuring that our city can continue to thrive on the full engagement and participation of all its communities.”
- Language Access Director Winta Teferi

Welcome to the Office of Human Rights’ (OHR) annual publication on the District’s efforts to ensure limited and non-English proficient (LEP/NEP) populations can participate fully in our city’s civic and economic life.

This report highlights the work of OHR’s Language Access Program during FY15, and contains compliance scorecards for 33 agencies with major public contact, policy recommendations for improving language access implementation across covered entities, and a profile of the District’s foreign-born and LEP/NEP populations.

While FY14 provided an opportunity to celebrate and reflect on the District’s decade-long inclusion efforts since the passing of the DC Language Access Act of 2004, FY15 was devoted to developing new systems, resources, and tools agencies can use to meet the needs of a growing and increasingly linguistically diverse LEP/NEP population.

Over the course of the year, the Language Access Program developed new tools to strengthen language access implementation: a Language Access Compliance Monitoring Database, a Language Access Toolkit with comprehensive language access resources consolidated in a new web portal, a Language Access Compliance Training Guide, and new “I Speak” cards in Arabic, Portuguese, Russian and Tagalog. These tools are intended to streamline the Program’s expanded compliance oversight function moving forward, scale the technical assistance support it offers to covered entities, and promote language access awareness among emerging LEP/NEP communities.

This report also summarizes the performance of 33 government agencies designated as having “major public contact” and records any growth in agencies compliance after the law being in effect for a decade in the District.

Download the report:

Language Access Compliance Review 2015 - Web Quality (PDF)

Learn more about the Language Access Program