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Criminal Background Screening and Employment: Resources for Job Applicants

The Fair Criminal Record Screening Amendment Act of 2014 aims to prevent unlawful screening of a job applicant’s criminal background.* Below is our "How the Law Works" video, resources to assist returning citizens who believe the law has been or is being violated by an employer, and our "I am a Returning Citizen" video.


Job Applicant Fact Sheet

Fact Sheet for Job Applicants (PDF)

This fact sheet provides job applicants with criminal backgrounds guidance on what the law prohibits and allows employers to ask about those records. The fact sheet also details the right to request interview records from the employer, and how to file a complaint with OHR.

አጭር መረጃ ለስራ አመልካቾች (Amharic)

Notice explicative pour les candidats (French)

Hoja informativa para solicitantes de empleo (Spanish)

Request for Records

Request for Records Template (PDF)

If a job offer is revoked or adverse action taken because of a criminal conviction(s), the applicant can request a copy of all interview and hiring-related records. This template can be used as a formal request for those records. 

Solicitud de Registros (Spanish)


Application Complaint

Application (Type A) Complaint (PDF)


This complaint form can be used to file a complaint with OHR when criminal background information was asked about on a job application. The complaint can also be filed online.

Formulario Para Quejas Relacionada con la Solicitud de Trabajo - Tipo A (Spanish)


Interview Process Complaint

Interview Process (Type B) Complaint (PDF)

This complaint form can be used when criminal background information was asked about during the interview process, or a conditional job offer was revoked or adverse action taken because of a criminal conviction(s). The complaint can also be filed online.

Formulario de Queja Relacionado con la Entrevista de Trabajo - Tipo B (Spanish)

Fair Criminal Record Screening Amendment Act

Fair Criminal Record Screening Amendment Act of 2014 (PDF)

This is the Fair Criminal Record Screening Amendment Act of 2014 in its entirety.



* View a list of positions that are exempt from the law.