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Office of Human Rights

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OHR is Open

OHR offices are now open to the public, starting July 12, 2021.

Beginning July 12, 2021, OHR is open and operational. OHR’s physical location at the Marion S. Barry Jr. Building is now open to the public from 8:30 am – 5pm, Monday through Friday and will resume most in-person services. The agency will also continue to offer a number of core services via telephone and video conferencing to the public until further notice.

What else are we offering to meet your needs? 

  • Discrimination Complaint Submission: As of July 12, 2021, discrimination complaint questionnaires may be submitted to OHR in the following ways:
  • Filing by Mail: OHR will continue to determine the date of receipt of complaints received via mail by using the postal date stamp plus five business days or the date of signature on the complaint plus five business days. The OHR Director retains discretion to amend these rules as necessary.
  • Intake Interview: As of July 12, 2021, intake interviews can be scheduled to be conducted in-person, telephonically or via video conference.
  • Notarization: Complainants are not required to notarize the Charge of Discrimination but Charges must still be verified and signed by the Complainant under penalty of perjury.
  • Mediation Conference: As of July 12, 2021, parties scheduled for mediation will be offered the option to participate in their session in-person or via video conference. For more information about your mediation session, contact [email protected].
  • Commission on Human Rights Hearings: Commission hearings will continue to be held virtually. For more information about cases at the Commission or hearing dates, contact [email protected].
  • Case Status Updates: Parties to a case under investigation at OHR may inquire into their case status by emailing [email protected] or their case assigned Human Rights Officer.

How does this impact our physical locations? 

OHR’s main location at 441 4th St NW, Suite 570 North, Washington, DC 20001 is open to the public. In accordance with the City Administrators Order 2021-2 (CAO-2021-2) Mask Requirements for District Government Employees and Contractors and for Persons Inside District Government Buildings, OHR will adhere to all mask-wearing guidance in its service delivery.

Where should you go if you have questions? 

For questions about any of the services we provide and information on any future changes, please contact us at 202-727-4559 or email [email protected]. For more information, please visit

Who Can File a Complaint

You may file a discrimination complaint if you believe you have been discriminated against in employment, housing, public accommodations and educational institutions based on a protected trait in DC. You can also file a complaint based on language access services denied at a government agency, an employer who improperly asked about your criminal record during the application or interview process, or discrimination by a taxi or vehicle-for-hire. Other helpful facts include:

  • You do not have to be a District of Columbia resident, but the alleged discrimination must have taken place in the District of Columbia.
  • Your complaint must be filed with OHR within one year of the occurrence or discovery of the alleged act.
  • DC government employees alleging employment discrimination must first consult an Equal Employment Opportunity counselor in any agency.The EEO counselor has 30 calendar days in which to seek a solution on an informal basis. You may file formal charges with the Office within 15 calendar days of your final interview with the EEO counselor.
  • Federal employees alleging employment discrimination should consult with the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission at