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The Annual Human Rights Awards Ceremony

The Commission on Human Rights in conjunction with the Office of Human Rights holds an annual awards ceremony in December where we acknowledge the recipients of our annual Human Rights Awards.

  • Neil Alexander Award
    • The Cornelius R. “Neil” Alexander Humanitarian Award recognizes the efforts and accomplishments of individuals who embody the legacy of Neil Alexander, former Chief Judge of the Commission,  in their life-time contributions to the protection of many of the 23 traits protected under the DC Human Rights Act, including protection for people with disabilities, resulting in a lasting impact on the quality of life of the residents, workers and visitors in the District.
  • Emerging Human Rights Leader Award
    • The Commission is pleased to present this award to emerging leaders aged 30 years or younger, who exhibit extraordinary leadership in human rights awareness raising through advocacy, the arts, education, networking, outreach, or other similar activities. The leadership preferably would center around the protection of people with disabilities and related protections under the DC Human Rights Act (or related human rights enumerated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights), or an emerging human rights issue that is yet to receive sufficient attention and protection. Up to three awards in this category will be presented.
  • Community Service Award
    • Community organizations active in the District of Columbia and providing outstanding services to protect and support DC residents, workers, or visitors - especially those with disabilities- are eligible to receive this Award. Established in 2022, this Award celebrates the significant contributions of an organization, rather than an individual, toward the protection and promotion of one or more of the 23 protected traits or the human rights enumerated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

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