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#BeatBias Resolution Challenge: Step 7

#BeatBias Resolution Challenge

Visit the #BeatBias Resolution homepage to view all the steps released so far. 

Step 7: Check yo’self, but don’t wreck yo’self

Unconscious bias cannot be erased, and even with your newfound savviness on the topic, you will still make mistakes from time to time. It is a lifelong learning experience that never ends, but you just become more mindful and better at it as time goes on.

Today’s Action Item

  • Take 12 minutes out of your day to watch this powerful TEDx talk by Jay Smooth, titled “How I learned to stop worrying and love discussing race.” He will discuss the importance of speaking openly about unconscious bias as it relates to race. 

Jay Smooth is pretty good, right? As we’ve been learning in the first seven steps, we all have unconscious bias and can never eradicate it, but we can work to identify it and mitigate its impact on our behavior. It’s important to talk about it openly, and to speak with others about it, because fear of speaking openly is part of the reason most people haven’t addressed it.

See you tomorrow at 10am for the final step!