Effective December 17, 2014, the Fair Criminal Record Screening Amendment Act prohibits covered DC employers from inquiring into a job applicant's criminal background before extending a conditional offer of employment. Covered employers must also have a legitimate business reason for revoking a conditional job offer based on an applicant's criminal background. The DC Office of Human Rights (OHR) accepts and investigates complaints that allege violations of this Act, and when violations are found, monetary penalties can be imposed.
At this free training for DC business owners, hiring managers, supervisors, and HR staff, OHR staff will explain the requirements of the Fair Criminal Record Screening Amendment Ac and OHR's enforcement process and answer questions from attendees.
RSVP is required. Please be advised that food and drink (besides water) are not allowed in the Old Council Chamber. To request a reasonable accommodation or interpretation, please email [email protected] or call (202) 727-5343 before Jan 6th.