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Public Hearing on Rental Housing Discrimination Set for June 6

Tuesday, May 21, 2002
(Washington, DC) The District of Columbia Commission on Human Rights invites testimony at a public hearing on issues of "Discrimination in the Repair and Maintenance of Rental Housing in the District." The purpose of the hearing is to determine whether:
  • Owners of rental property in the District discriminate in the repair and maintenance of their property based on race, national origin, or other protected class status of their tenants in violation of the District's Human Rights Act; and whether
  • The District's enforcement of its housing laws and regulations with respect to repair and maintenance or rental property results in tenants being discriminated against based on race, national origin or other protected class status in violation of the Human Rights Act.

Anyone wishing to testify must submit 25 copies of written testimony five days prior to the hearing to Chief Hearing Examiner Cornelius R. Alexander Jr. at 441 Fourth Street, NW, Suite 290, Washington, DC 20001.

For further information and/ or instruction contact Cornelius R. Alexander Jr. via email at [email protected] or via telephone at (202) 727-0656.

When Thursday, June 6, 2002
3 pm to 8 pm 
Where   Lobby Level Hearing Room
441 4th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20001