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Office of Human Rights Releases Annual Highlights Report for FY09

Wednesday, December 23, 2009
OHR releases Annual Highlights for FY09.

The DC Office of Human Rights (OHR) and the DC Commission on Human Rights (COHR) released the Annual Highlights Report for FY09 today. Created in 1977, the mission of OHR is to eradicate discrimination, increase equal opportunity and protect human rights for persons who live, work or visit the District of Columbia. The Report provides useful information about the Human Rights Act and other laws enforced by the agency, details services provided by OHR and provides an overview of agency highlights. Agency highlights from the Report issued today include:

  • In the area of enforcement, OHR recorded a 32% growth in the number of new cases.
  • In FY09, OHR educated 2,847 employers, workers and residents about their employment and housing rights.
  • In addition to trainings, OHR continued to use mass media to increase community awareness, including WMATA posters throughout the transit system and multilingual radio, television and print advertisements reaching several hundred thousand people.
  • OHR also provides training on compliance with the DC Language Access Act of 2004 to government agencies. In FY09, OHR trained 700 employees from 15 agencies on the law’s requirements.

The DC Office of Human Rights is committed to protecting the rights of citizens that live, visit or work in the District of Columbia. The work of the Agency helps improve the quality of life in the District by enforcing what is regarded as one of the most comprehensive human rights statutes in the nation. 

To learn more about the Office of Human Rights and the Commission on Human Rights visit

To view the entire report, select here.