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Office of Human Rights Publishes 2008 EEO Report

Friday, January 23, 2009
The Report details employment discrimination complaints in District government.

The DC Office of Human Rights (OHR) is required to publish an annual report of employment discrimination complaints within District government. The fiscal year 2008 report includes all allegations of employment discrimination made against District government agencies under Mayoral jurisdiction. The Report includes a total of both informal and formal complaints. Informal complaints are those in which an employee contacts an agency EEO Officer/Counselor to assist in the resolution of an allegation of discrimination. Formal complaints are those in which resolution was not attained at the agency level resulting in the employee filing a complaint at the OHR. The data is collected via quarterly reports submitted to OHR by agency EEO Officers/Counselors and the OHR docket book of cases. This report covers the period from October 1, 2007, through September 30, 2008.

In FY08, there were a total of 184 complaints from District government employees. From this total, there were 109 informal complaints brought to the agency EEO Counselors or Officers; and there were 75 formal complaints filed at the OHR.

To view the entire report: DC-EEO Report FY-08