On June 23rd, in recognition of the UN’s Day of Public Service, the DC Office of Human Rights will hold a special kick-off event for select interns employed by DC agencies and local nonprofits. Attendees will include interns from the DC Office of Human Rights, Office on Aging, Office of African Affairs, Office of Disability Rights, Office of State Superintendent of Education, United Planning Organization, DCTV and the Washington Center for Internships and Academic Seminars. The event will be co-sponsored by DCTV and the United Nations Association of the National Capital Area.
The event will focus on the importance of public service and provide a framing that will help youth understand the important role of government and the nonprofit sector in providing services to the community. Speakers will include leaders in DC government and the nonprofit sector, including Gustavo Velasquez (OHR), Gloria Nauden (Director - DC Commission on Arts and the Humanities), Nantz Rickard (DCTV Executive Director) and others. The goal is to have youth view their summer employment as a gateway to a lifetime of service – locally and internationally. Information about internship opportunities at the undergraduate and graduate level will be provided as well as other resources. 150 youth are expected to attend.
The event will be held June 23rd, from 10 am -11:30 am at the Historical Society of Washington DC (formerly the City Museum).
The event marks the beginning of OHR’s Summer Intern Program, part of Mayor Fenty’s Summer Youth Employment Program, that will operate from June 22 - August 21, 2009.