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Prior COHR Administrative Law Judges, Staff, and In Memoriam

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The webpage provides information about past Administrative Law Judges and staff members of the DC Commission on Human Rights, to learn more about them, please click their names for their bios. Additionally, it includes a section dedicated to honoring individuals who have passed away, recognizing their impact on the commission’s work

Prior COHR Administrative Law Judges

Prior COHR  Staff 


In Memoriam:

Chief Judge Cornelius R. “Neil” Alexander, Jr. (he/him)

Chief Judge Alexander spent his career challenging and working to eradicate discrimination, serving in his role at the Commission from 1987 to 2007.  Chief Judge Alexander garnered national attention for his groundbreaking decision in a discrimination case filed against the Boy Scouts of America.

Chief Judge Erika L. Pierson (she/her)

A black women is smiling and wearing a black robe while holding a gavel with her arms crossed

Chief Judge Pierson was appointed as the Chief Administrative Law Judge of the Commission in November 2019.   She is credited with, among other things, solely clearing the Commission’s backlog during the COVID-19 Pandemic, as well as streamlining operations, particularly for pro se litigants.  

The Commission will forever remain grateful to Chief Judge Pierson for her extraordinary commitment and service.