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2019 Language Access Compliance Review

“This year [2020] we've been reminded us of how fortunate we are in the District to have over 15 years of experience and infrastructure around Language Access.”
- Mayor Muriel Bowser

This report intends to inform elected leaders, government officials, advocates and the public about the compliance of District government agencies with the requirements of the DC Language Access Act of 2004. The Act requires that all District agencies, and service providers contracted by agencies, provide interpretation services for customers who are Limited English Proficient (LEP) or Non-English proficient (NEP). Translation of vital documents, training for personnel in public contact positions and tracking of LEP/NEP customers are also required by the Act.

Highlights from the FY19 Compliance Review include:

  • Compliance achievements and reporting for 38 covered entities with major public contact and 23 non-major public contact entities detailing performance level of preparedness, accessibility and quality in serving clients
  • 183,387 encounters with LEP/NEP customers across agencies
  • Language Access compliance training for 41,040 District government employees, including contractor and grantee staff
  • 73,277 calls made by frontline employees to reach a telephonic interpreter to communicate with customers speaking 66 different languages
  • Translation of 830 vital documents by agencies with major public contact.

Download the report:

FY19 Language Access Annual Compliance Review - Web Quality (3.6 MB PDF)