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Transgender and Gender Identity Respect Campaign

Spread word on Twitter: #TransRespectThe groundbreaking Transgender and Gender Identity Respect Campaign has been called by advocates the first government-funded campaign focused exclusively on the betterment of transgender and gender non-conforming people. Developed at the DC Office of Human Rights (OHR) in close consultation with transgender advocates and community members, the campaign aims to increase understanding and respect for the transgender and gender non-conforming communities, decrease incidents of discrimination and increase reporting of discrimination to OHR. The five campaign ads feature actual community members, and will appear citywide on bus shelters in the fall and winter of 2012. 

Help spread word about the campaign by sharing the ads on Facebook and Twitter using hashtag #TransRespect. 






Transgender & Gender Identity Campaign Ad - Ashley Transgender & Gender Identity Campaign Ad - Consuella Transgender & Gender Identity Campaign Ad - Iden Transgender & Gender Identity Campaign Ad - Kisha Transgender & Gender Identity Campaign Ad - Wesley

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Report Discrimination

If you are transgender or gender non-conforming and have experienced discrimination in housing, employment, public accommodations or educational institutions in DC because of your gender identity or expression, report it to the Office of Human Rights. Gender identity and expression is one of 21 protected traits that cannot be used to discriminate against someone under the DC Human Rights Act -- one of the most progressive non-discrimination laws in the nation. 


To learn more about the transgender and gender non-conforming communities in the District of Columbia, below are some advocacy organizations and resources. The Office of Human Rights does not endorse the organizations or speech provided in the resource links below.

DC Center for the LGBT Community

DC Trans Coalition

Whitman-Walker (Transgender Care)