Below is a sneak peek at data that will be published in the Fiscal Year 2021 Language Access Compliance Review. The numbers make it clear how much work was put into ensuring Language Access for DC residents, works, and visitors in FY21!
Highlighting District Agency's Language Access Week
Another way we want to celebrate Language Access Month is to highlight some of the great work fellow District agencies have done in terms of language access. Read below to find out more.
Department of Aging and Community Living: Senior Pet Connect Spanish Language Meeting
On May 11, 2021, DACL, HRA Staff, and approximately 20 Vida seniors engaged in a virtual Senior Pet Connect event using the Zoom platform. This event was conducted in Spanish by Spanish-speaking HRA staff and introduced Vida Seniors to a variety of companion animals, including dogs, cats, and chickens. The Senior Pet Connect program was designed in partnership with the Humane Rescue Alliance to decrease social isolation by engaging older adults with their community over a shared love of pets.
DC Health collaborated with the Mayor’s three ethnic constituency offices: Office on Latino Affairs (MOLA), African Affairs (MOAA), and Asian & Pacific Islander Affairs (MOAPIA) as well as Executive Office of the Mayor (EOM) and DC Public Schools (DCPS) to conduct web-based townhall meetings to provide equitable access to information for the LEP/NEP population about COVID-19 testing-sites as well as prevention measures.
DC Health: COVID-19 Townhall Meetings and Televised Information Sessions
DC Health also held six televised interviews with Telemundo to inform the Spanish-speaking LEP/NEP community of HIV Drug access, Pharmacy Benefits Roll out Initiative, COVID-19 Prevention, and treatment. These informational events allowed District residents of diverse backgrounds to learn about the rapidly changing pandemic response at a time when updates were most critical.
Department of Employment Services: DOES “en español” Website
Which allows Spanish speaking customers to access information about DOES’ programs and services in Spanish. DOES “en español” became the first full-service Spanish government website in the District of Columbia and first national workforce agency website in Spanish. Spanish speaking individuals can access information on the agency’s programs and services (such as UI, Wage-Hour, MBSYEP), press releases, labor statistics and more.
Metropolitan Police Department: Installation of Language Line Solutions App
MPD successfully executed the installation of the Language Line Solutions mobile app on all officer phones. With officers helping people of diverse backgrounds all around the city, this action breaks down one more communication barrier.