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Still Standing Strong: 40th Anniversary of DC Human Rights Act

40th Anniversary of HRA
Last Date:

1100 Harvard St. NW, Washington, DC 20009
Carlos Rosario International Charter School

Join us for our 40th Anniversary Event on December 6!

Washington, DC is a city that has often been ahead of its time. From 1802 when our city's boundaries were first established to the 1973 Home Rule Act, we have fought tirelessly to ensure every person has a voice, a vote and unabridged access to their civil and human rights. During the 1968 protests our neighbors stormed the streets and mourned the loss of Dr. King but also rose from the ashes to rebuild. Not longer after, the District passed the DC Human Rights Act in 1977, one of the most expansive local civil rights laws still to this day, stands as a testament to a city built on a foundation of inclusion and equity for all. As we celebrate the 40th anniversary of this visionary anti-discrimination law we will take a look back at our heroes and challenge you to join us in the work that lies ahead. 

Join us for a special event  to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the DC Human Rights Act as we honor our local civil rights leaders and explore our place in the fight to preserve the legacy of the city we have built and call home.