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Office of Human Rights

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Business Training Series: Fair Housing Laws for Housing Providers

Last Date:

441 4th St. NW
One Judiciary Square
805 South

Did you know that DC's fair housing laws protect 18 different classes from discrimination?  In this free training for DC landlords, property managers, realtors, and leasing agents, staff from the DC Office of Human Rights (OHR) will explain DC's fair housing laws and OHR's enforcement process when a violation of the law is alleged.  Topics will include discrimination against people with disabilities, people of color, and victims of domestic violence.  Emerging issues around other protected classes, such as discrimination against recipients of subsidies (HCVP, ERAP, Rapid Re-Housing, etc.) will also be discussed.


RSVP is required at Please be advised that food and drink (besides water) are not allowed in the training rooms.  To request a reasonable accommodation or interpretation, please email [email protected] or call (202) 727-5343 at least 7 calendar days before the training date.