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Training of Trainers for LGBTQ Seniors and Seniors with HIV

Next Date: 
Thursday, May 15, 2025 -
10:00am to 3:00pm

Due Date: 
Tuesday, May 6, 2025 - 5:00pm

Zoom - register to get the link

The Care for LGBTQ Seniors and Seniors with HIV Amendment Act of 2020 represents a crucial step toward ensuring comprehensive protection and equitable care for these communities in long-term care facilities, fostering an inclusive and supportive environment as mandated by the act.

The DC Office of Human Rights (OHR) Creating Safer Spaces Unit is thrilled to announce the launch of the first-ever On-line Training of Trainers (TOT) Cohort 6 for the "Care for LGBTQ Seniors & Seniors with HIV Amendment Act of 2020." In response to the evolving landscape of rights and legal protections in long-term care (LTC), we are excited to bring this interactive training to you virtually, marking a significant milestone in our commitment to equity and inclusive care.

Event Details:

  • Training Date: Thursday, May 15th, 2025
  • Time: 10:00 am – 3:00 pm (Online Zoom)

Why You Should Join:

As an OHR certified trainer, you will play a pivotal role in shaping the landscape of LTC facilities by providing essential training on the new rights and legal protections of LGBTQ seniors and seniors with HIV. You'll lead a comprehensive training covering non-discriminatory treatment based on sexual orientation, gender identity, and HIV status, along with residents' rights to file complaints regarding discrimination or violation of their rights. To learn more about the law, click here.

Benefits of Participating in OHR (TOT):

  • Professional Development: Enhance your expertise in LGBTQ and HIV-inclusive care.
  • Leadership Role: Become a recognized leader in promoting equity.
  • Impact: Positively impact the lives of LGBTQ seniors and seniors with HIV.
  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with like-minded professionals.
  • Certification: Receive official certification as an OHR Trainer.


Role Significance:

As a certified trainer, you will contribute significantly to the program's success by providing comprehensive training to LTC facilities staff and contractors in Washington, DC. Every two years, these facilities must file a report with the DC Office of Human Rights certifying that all employees have completed the training mandated by the law. As mandated by the Care for LGBTQ Seniors and Seniors with HIV Amendment Act of 2020,
LTC facilities are responsible for coordinating training from the OHR certified trainers list available on the OHR webpage, including the financial arrangements for the trainer.

It's important to note: OHR does not set the fees, as the discretion for determining the trainer's fee rests with the individual OHR certified trainer. The DC Office of Human Rights emphasizes collaboration and compliance, and your role as a certified trainer is integral to achieving this goal. Your dedication ensures a positive impact on the lives of LGBTQ seniors and seniors with HIV.


How to Sign Up:

If you or someone you know would be interested in joining this transformative initiative, please forward this email or send the attached application and your resume to LeAndrea Gilliam, Program Analyst, and Compliance Coordinator, at [email protected] or phone: 202-481-3773 by 5:00 PM, May 6, 2025. 

If you need to request reasonable accommodations or interpretation, please inform us at the provided email or phone number by 5:00 PM, May 8th, at least seven days before the training. Upon receipt of your application, I will send you the registration link for the online training session.