This Thursday the Office of Human Rights (OHR) will launch its “Safe Bathrooms DC” campaign, which aims to rapidly increase the number of single-occupancy gender-neutral bathrooms in the District. The launch event will include the unveiling of ads to accompany the campaign and an expedited method to report single-occupancy bathrooms in restaurants or businesses that are not gender-neutral. In the District, single-occupancy public bathrooms must be gender-neutral, which is beneficial for transgender and gender non-conforming people, individuals with personal assistants of the opposite gender, and others.
Thursday, April 3, 2014
5:30 pm – 7:30 pm (presentation begins at 6 pm)
Casa Ruby
2822 Georgia Ave NW
Washington, DC 20010
Despite regulations requiring all single-stall public bathrooms to be gender-neutral, many business owners and community members remain unaware of this regulation. Yet gender-neutral bathrooms can be critical for some members of the transgender and gender non-conforming community, people with disabilities that have personal assistants of the opposite gender, parents with children of the opposite gender, and others. Through awareness advertisements and an innovative reporting approach to be announced at the launch event, OHR plans to ensure non-compliant bathrooms are made gender-neutral. OHR Director Mónica Palacio and Ruby Corado of community partner Casa Ruby will speak at the event.
More information and an RSVP form (optional) are available at: http://safebathroomsdc.eventbrite.com.
About the District of Columbia Office of Human Rights
The District of Columbia Office of Human Rights (OHR) was established to eradicate discrimination, increase equal opportunity and protect human rights for persons who live in or visit the District of Columbia. The agency enforces local and federal human rights laws, including the DC Human Rights Act, by providing a legal process to those who believe they have been discriminated against. OHR also proactively enforces human rights in the District through Director’s Inquiries, which allow it to identify and investigate practices and policies that may be discriminatory.