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Office of Human Rights

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Office of Human Rights

Office Hours
Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 5 pm

Connect With Us
441 4th Street NW, Suite 570 North, Washington, DC 20001
Phone: (202) 727-4559
Fax: (202) 727-9589
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Email: [email protected]

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2019 Commission on Human Rights Awards: The Fight for 51

Last Date:

Join us for an evening dedicated to fighting for equal rights and statehood for Washington, D.C.

On Thursday, December 5th, 2019, the Commission on Human Rights and DC Office of Human Rights and will host an evening reception to honor Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton and George A. Jones of Bread for the City for their long history of fighting for equal rights in Washington, DC.

Enjoy a cocktail reception, followed by a special presentation on DC Statehood and the award ceremony.


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