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Office of Human Rights

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OHR Inclusion and Equity Resources


To bring an end to prejudice and discrimination in the District and beyond, the DC Office of Human Rights has developed the following educational resources to proactive achieve our mission and create a community where every individual feels values, respected, and included.  

EmPOWERed DC: Navigating Your Human and Civil Rights Protections in the District (coming Q4 2024)

This training will equip participants with the knowledge and resources needed to recognize discrimination, navigate protections under the DCHRA and other laws, and empower them to take appropriate action against discriminatory practices. By the end of the training, participants will emerge with a heightened awareness of DC’s history of being a model for human and civil rights protections, their rights within the District, and hopefully the inspiration needed to serve as active agents of change in creating a more just and equitable community in the District.  

Best Practices in Celebrating Diversity in the Workplace 

These one-pagers provide useful definitions and suggested best practices for interacting with colleagues and constituents of color, who are members of the LGBTQIA2+ communities, those with disabilities. 

Inclusive Language Guides 

These guides serve as educational resources for District employees and the public as they begin to engage more regularly in conversations about race, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and disability & ableism. As educational resources, they should not be construed as legal advice or as a mandate. Rather, they should be viewed as invitations to encourage the use of language that centers on inclusion and equity by being mindful of the voices and experiences of people who have been historically marginalized. These guides are not meant to be comprehensive and are considered to be living documents. 

Social Media Campaigns 

These social media campaigns celebrate and honor heritage months, special events, and observances.